Na disk v žádném případě nic nezapisujte, nic s ním nedělejte, nejdříve si přečtěte viewtopic.php?p=6914433#p6914433, a opravdu hodně pomalu si rozmyslete co budete dělat.
Pak taky výsledek hledání tady na foru - o záchraně dat, obnově oddílů a pod je tu už spousta info.I used DataRescue DD to make a disk image. You don't have to do this but the reason I did is because I didn't want to mess up the drive any further by running data recovery scans on it. You need to make sure you have enough space on your current hard drive to make the disk image.
eg. My corrupt drive was 80Gb. The disk image created was 76.3Gb. So make sure you have at least the same amount of space as your of your hard drive that you're trying to recover.
If you use 'DataRescue DD' to make a disk image – you need to mount the image to a drive. I used [url]Mount Image Pro Trial Version[/url] . Not freeware but it was the first thing I found and it's fully functional for 14 days.
Select File > Mount Image File… (then locate where your .dd file is) > OK (don't need to change options)
There should now be an exact copy of your hard drive shown in 'My Computer'.
After you mount the image I used TestDisk & PhotoRec . [If you don't want to create a disk image you can jump straight to this step.]
1) Extract contents
2) Run 'photorec_win.exe' (If you're using Win 7 – You need to Right Click and Select 'Run as Administrator'
3) Select the Drive -> Press Proceed (Have to use arrow keys and Enter button in this program)
4) Select the type of partition table
(If you use Windows select 'Intel'
If you use Mac select 'Mac')
5) Next window allows you to select the type of files to be recovered in the [File Opt] menu. (Press your right arrow key twice to get there). You can leave it as default and it will recover almost every file type OR you can press 's' to clear all and select the file types you want to recover
eg. If you only want to recover images file and select JPG/PNG/GIF etc.
Once you are done, go back (you will see [Search][Options][File Opt][Quit] at the bottom. I left it as 'No Partition' (this will search your whole hard drive)
Press [Search].
6) It will ask for the file system. This is usually NTFS or FAT so select [Other]
7) Select the directory you want to store the recovered files.
Press 'C' when you have chosen your path.
It will now start recovering files.
I'm using windows by the way.
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